Providing applied and practical corporate education.

IsaiX's online program was established and founded on business and management practices derived from over 30 years of professional training and education services.


Practice Meets Business

IsaiX's online program is an education forum for professionals to refine their professional skills, develop their professional network and produce a body of work. We believe learning cannot happen without practice and advancing a career cannot happen without a proven body of work.

IsaiX offers business education for professionals. It offers programs in professional development, management, leadership, sales and sales management. Our instructors are subject matter experts in their respective field and are supported by our design team, which consists of expert Instructional Designers and Facilitators. Our programs are designed to provide real practical learning experiences.

Why IsaiX Online?

Today, educational options for professionals has never been so great. From traditional institutions to online courses, the range of options is so very wide. Yet, there continues to be three primary challenges in providing education; lack of practicality, a limited portfolio upon completion, and a deficient business network.

IsaiX's online program brings forward new learning experiences, refined teaching methods, and a plethora of experience in corporate training to offer professionals:

Practical Learning

Efficient delivery
Hands-on training
Rapid completion

Portfolio of Accomplishment

Meaningful body of work
Presentation of achievement
Exposure of achievement

Robust Business Network
